CPSC 203 Assignment 2 (Worth: 4%, Due: January 25, 4:00 PM)

Learning objective: To learn how to use some of the major functions of a popular word processor, MS-Word. 


Part I: Create a report using MS-Word.   The report will take the form of any academic department in this university  (e.g., Computer Science).  Each report should provide a brief introduction (approximately a page or two) that describes the faculty.   This can include information about areas of specialization, types of degrees possible, a bit of history about the department, types of future career options for graduates etc.  Essentially you should include whatever information that you think is relevant (subject to the page limit).  After that provide a table that lists all of the courses required for the first two years of any degree program within that faculty.  The top right hand side of each page in the report should show the current page count.  Somewhere in the report include a picture (clipart will do) that you feel somehow represents that faculty that you are writing a report on.

Part II: Make a cover sheet for the report.   (Unless otherwise indicated, a similar cover sheet should be used in all subsequent assignments).  The cover sheet must include the information listed below.  The entire cover sheet must be horizontally centered aligned (like the text below).

Your name (e.g., "James Tam")

The assignment number (i.e., this one is "Assignment 2")

The course name and number (i.e., "CPSC 203")

The lab number that you are registered in (e.g., "B59")

The name of your lab TA (e.g., "Jim Tam")

Grading: This assignment will be graded by letter grade ("A", "B", "C", "D" or "F").