
If  you are coming to visit me and/or our laboratory, here is some helpful information.


There are, of course, many hotels in Calgary. The one I recommend is:

This is an adequate hotel, chosen more because it is convenient. It is (unfortunately) located across a busy road and there are not many local sites nearby. However, it is just a few minutes from the University. As well, the LRT (Light Rail Transit) system is close by, which means you can hope on the train and go to many places in Calgary quite easily.

To get to the hotel from the airport

The University

Our lab is located on the 6th floor of the Math Sciences Building, MS 680. My office phone number is (403) 220 6087, but if I don't answer try the general Lab number 210-9499. A student will probably pick up. Alternately, the main computer science office is 220-6015

To get to our lab, we suggest parking in Lot 20 (its a pay lot). Walk across the street to Pay Lot 21, and you will see the Math Sciences building right in front of you. Go in the main entrance, turn right in the main hallway. You will see some double doors in front of you. Go through them but then take an immediate left into the other set of doors instead of continuing up the hallway. You are now in the Math Sciences Building, and there should be some elevators in front of you. Take them to the 6th floor and go into MS 680. This is a big lab at the end of the hall - my office is the 2nd on the right in the lab. If I am not there, introduce yourself to students and make yourself at home.

To get to Lot 21 from the hotel, its probably easiest to take a cab the first time. Or ask at the front desk for directions if you want to walk: its about 15 - 20 minutes.

To get to the University from the airport,