Images / Bios of Saul

This is not a vanity page. Honest!

I just needed a place to put Bios (page top) and Images (page bottom) of myself that I sometimes have to ship off to other people or use somehow.


Saul Greenberg, a Full Professor in Computer Science at the University of Calgary, is an active educator and researcher in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). As head of the Grouplab team, he and his group investigate how people work together, how the computer and related technologies (groupware) affect group behaviour, and how software can be designed to support and augment group work. Saul is the author/editor of several HCI and CSCW books, has numerous academic publications, serves on several journal editorial boards, and has a high involvement in both the ACM CSCW and CHI conferences.

His home page is, and his research group is at .


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