First day: up to first part of Part
Beforehand |
- book equipment
- video
- overhead
- projection system, if available
- prepare booklet
- interview client for tasks
- prepare and give out 1st excercise
- prepare 2nd exercise
Beginning of first day |
- Bring:
- booklets
- text books
- videos
- Pictive kit
- overheads / disks
- grab-bag for psych everyday things
- Greetings
Part 1. Introduction |
- have text books ready to show
- refer them to Taxonomy of HCI reading
- Videos
- Apple 2020
- optional: Seamless Media Design
- break: look at Psych exercise
Part 2a: Psychopathology of everyday
things |
- use:
- digital watch
- telephone
- vcr article from Daewoo Electronics
- video remote
- telephone manual
- note: collation error in book
- videos
Part 2b: Psychology of everyday
things |
- use:
- assorted grab bag, scissors, apple corer
- excercise:
- Psych everyday things
- critique Smart Ideas... look at a node
and see what its affordances etc are
- videos
- All the widgets: Scroll bars
Part 3: User centered design |
- use:
- mention Exercise: prototyping for next week...
- Video: Silk
Part 4: Task-centered system design |
- exercise
- Cheap Shop: have them look at it first,
then do it together.
- exercise
- Do step 1 of prototyping exercise which
has them decide on what features should
be supported and how
- exercise
- walk through one of the tasks with Smart
Second day (did beginning of
Part 5 on first day) |
- Review:
- go through process diagram
- Prototypes:
- place on the wall, have each group
discuss them
- bring in Tasks, and TCSD walkthrough
- prototype of Smart board with WoZ?
- (Video: Silk)->web book
Part 5: Beyond simple screen
design |
- Videos: Representations
- See-through tools->Tabld lens
- Videos: Info Visualization
- Videos: Metaphors
- Web book-> Hyperbolic
- Clearboard
- Videos: Dynamic queries
- Visual information seeking using
Filmfinder (Dynamic Queries) #97
- Case study: Graphs/concept maps
- Colab
- Info vis using 3D interactive Animation
- Browsing through fisheye graphs
- hyperbolic lens
- headup lens
- Intel fisheye gw stuff
- TeamRooms
Part 6: Evaluating interfaces
with users |
- Conceptual model evaluation via Cannon...
- refer to "how to" sheet at end
+ usability exercise
- explain visuals
- send a fax
- Overhead, talk aloud
- missing bulb
- replace bulb
- do retrospective testing...
- Constructive interaction
- three level page hierarchy: construct
one, and decompose one
- or windows file system
Part 7: Graphical screen design |
- Redesign exercise
- before we start: first cut
- after: construct a grid, and show...
- show worked example
Part 8: Principles and Usability
heuristics |
- Example: Heuristic Evaluation, do a few of them
at a time (eg, 1 & 2)
Closing |
- Go back to part 1 overview, and then how they can
apply it.
- courses at the University, books, doing it!