Project Grading Sheet (25%)

Student Names _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Group #_______
Note: These are just "convenience" checkpoints. Getting many satisfactory checks does not necessarily indicate a good project (or vice versa).
Completeness of Project Missing Incomplete portions Satisfactory
1st deliverable (screens+design rationale) 0 0 0
working demo 0 0 0
heuristic evaluation 0 0 0
redesign rationale+final design critique 0 0 0
Screen snaps/design rationale Poor Ok Great
practical realization of storyboards 0 0 0
fixes major flaws in storyboards 0 0 0
shows progress of design 0 0 0
good rationale behind design 0 0 0
Sophistication and quality of design 0 0 0
Heuristic Evaluation Poor Okay Great
Problems categorized by heuristics 0 0 0
Major problems detected 0 0 0
Severity ratings are reasonable 0 0 0
Main points of the evaluation are summarized 0 0 0
Sophistication and quality 0 0 0
Final Design Critique Poor Okay Great
indicates major problems 0 0 0
indicates how they could be solved 0 0 0
demonstrates a design evolution 0 0 0


turn over...


Student IDs _____________________ _____________________ _____________________


Completion Poor Okay Great
depth of interface shown 0 0 0
breadth of interface shown 0 0 0
non-interface aspects 0 0 0
scope of project 0 0 0
sophistication and quality 0 0 0
Graphical design Poor Okay Great
visual appearance 0 0 0
sensibility of layouts 0 0 0
sophistication and quality      
Usability Poor Okay Great
simple and natural dialog 0 0 0
speaks the users language 0 0 0
minimizes memory load 0 0 0
consistent 0 0 0
provides feedback 0 0 0
clearly marked exits 0 0 0
shortcuts for experts 0 0 0
user error handling 0 0 0
provides relevant help 0 0 0
use of windows/dialog structures 0 0 0
Technical aspects Poor Okay Great
robust/bulletproof 0 0 0
sophistication 0 0 0
code 0 0 0
Demonstration Poor Okay Great
group present      
group members all understand project      
gave a good feel of system      
Overall impression Poor Okay Great
of final design 0 0 0
of design evolution 0 0 0
of portfolio 0 0 0
of heuristic evaluation 0 0 0
of demonstration 0 0 0
of implementation 0 0 0
of complete project 0 0 0


Grade: A+ ...... A ....... A- ....... B+ ....... B ....... B- ....... C+ ....... C ....... C- ....... D+ ....... D ....... D- ....... F+ ....... F ....... F-

Note : A is superior; B is better than expected; C is adequate; D is poor; F is unacceptable
Students are invited to see the T.A. for further comments on their report.