I collected these a while back. There are probably lots of dead links in here...
- ACM SIGCHI Curricula in Human-Computer Interaction
- A report recommending various curriculum and courses in HCI. Excellent source.
- HCI Education
- This report, titled "New Directions in HCI Education, Research, and Practice" was commissioned by NSF and ARPA.
- HCI Education Survey
- This survey maintained by Gary Perlman, describes HCI faculty and courses at over 75 programs.
- Educational Technology.
- A page of many things related to education and technology.
Prof. Paul E. Buis
Ball State University: CS 345 - Graphical User Interfaces
http://www.cs.bsu.edu/~peb/cs345/Prof. James M. Canning
Oklahoma University: CS 3053 - Graphical User Interfaces
http://www.ecn.ou.edu/~cs3053Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: 66-460 - Introduction to Graphical Human-Machine Interfaces
Prof. Bowden Wise
http://www.cs.rpi.edu/courses/spring97/GHMIProfs. Terry Winograd, Bill Verplank
Stanford University: CS 247a - Human Computer Interaction Design Studio
http://www-pcd.stanford.edu/hci/courses/cs247a.htmlProf. Robert J. K. Jacob
Tufts University: COMP 106 - Object-Oriented Programming for Graphical User Interfaces
http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~jacob/106/Prof. Ben Shneiderman
University of Maryland: CMSC 434 - Human Factors in Computer and Information Systems
http://www.inform.umd.edu/TT/Schedules/Classes/spr97/CMSC434/syllabus.htmlProf. Sarah Douglas
University of Oregon: CIS 443 - User Interfaces
- S w e d e n :
- University of Umea, Institute of Design, Umea (2 yrs masters)
Prof. Mike Stott (mike.stott@designum.umu.se); http://www.dh.umu.se/
- D e n m a r k :
- Roskilede University, Dept. of Communication, Roskilde (masters 1.5
yrs) Prof. Arne Thing Mortensen (sk@snow.ruc.dk);http://www.komm.ruc.dk- N o r w a y :
- Høgskolen i Østfold, Dept. of Informatics, Halden (2 yrs bachelors) Prof. Børre Ludvigsen (it.info@hiof.no); http://www.hiof.no/hiof/avd/it_aut/
- N e t h e r l a n d s :
- Hogeschool for Kunst Utrecht, Fac. of Art and Media Tech., Hilversum, (4 yrs bach.) Jurriënne Ossewold (jurrienne.ossewold@kmt.hku.nl);http://www.hku.nl/www/KMT/ID/
- Delft Univ. of Technology, Fac. of Industrial Design Engg., Delft, (5 yrs masters) Prof. Rudy den Buurman (r.denbuurman@io.tudelft.nl); http://www.io.tudelft.nl
- G e r m a n y :
- Fachhochschule Kvln, Fachbereich Design,Kvln (4 yrs)
- Prof. Gui Bonsiepe(bonsiepe@ds.fh-koeln.de); http://www.ds.fh-koeln.de/
- Berlin Art School, Dept. of Design (4 yrs bachelors) Prof. Burkhard Schmitz; http://www.hdk-berlin.de/
- Hochschule fuer Gestaltung , Dept. Industrial Design, Offenbach(4 yrs, Diploma) Prof. Bernhard E. Buerdek (buerdek@em.uni-frankfurt.de); http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de:80/hfg/hfg.htm
- F r a n c e :
- Institut National de lAudiovisuel, Bry-sur-marne (masters) Michel Notte; http://www.ina.fr/INA/Formation
- A u s t r i a:
- Fachhochschul Technoz, Salzburg (4 yrs bachelors) Peter A Bruck (info@mma.fh-sbg.ac.at)
- Teknikum Voralberg, Dornbin (4 yrs bachelors) (info@fh-voralberg.ac.at)
- S w i t z e r l a n d :
- Basel School of Design, Basel Michael Renner (sfgbs@access.ch); http://www.unibas.ch/sfg/
- S p a i n :
- Institut Universitari de lAudiovisual, Barcelona (1 yr masters) Xavier Berenguer (berenguer@iua.upf.es); http://www.iua.upf.es
- P o r t u g a l :
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dept. of Comm. Sciences, Lisbon (1 yr
masters) Carlos Correa (carloscorrea@mail.telepac.pt)- G r e e c e :
- University of Athens, Dept. of Comm. & Mass Media (1 year) Michel Meimaris (mmeim@atlas.uoa.gr)
- I t a l y :
- Domus Academy, Milan ( 2 yrs masters) Marco Susani (susani@domac.it)
- University of Siena, Communication Science Institute (5 years Laurea) Sebastiano Bagnara ( bagnara@unisi.it ); http://www.media.unisi.it/
- I r e l a n d:
- Dublin Institute of Technology, Digital Media Centre (1 yr masters) Charles Pritchard (jmnoey@dit.ie)
- U K
- Middlesex University, Centre for Electronic Arts, Herts (1 year
masters) Stephen Boyd Davis,(s.boyd-davis@mdx.ac.uk); http://www.cea.mdx.ac.uk/
- De Montfort University, Leicester, (1 year FT, 2-4 yrs PT) http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/General/general/HCS/msc-hcs.html
- University of London, Queen Mary & Westfield College (1 yr masters) Prof. G. Coulouris ; http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/msc_info/HCI/HCI.html
- U S A
- Carnegie Mellon Univ., Design Dept., Pittsburgh (2 yrs masters)
- Prof. Dan Boyarksi(dan+@cmu.edu); http://www.cmu.edu/cfa/design/
- Carnegie Mellon Univ., Human Comp. Interaction Inst., Pittsburgh (1 yr masters) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hcii
- Ohio State Univ., Adv. Computing Center for Arts & Design, Columbus (2 yrs masters) http://www.cgrg.ohio-state.edu/ETS/
- Columbus College of Art and Design, Media Studies Dept., (4 year
bachelors) http://www.ccad.edu/- Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design, Chicago (2 yrs
masters) John Cain; http://www.id.iit.edu/- Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., Stanford (2 yrs masters) Prof. Terry Winograd(winograd@cs.stanford.edu); http://www-pcd.stanford.edu/
- MIT, Media Lab (2 yrs masters)
- http://www.media.mit.edu/
- Georgia Inst. of Tech., School of Lit., Comm. and Culture, Atlanta (2
yrs masters) http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/idt/- San Francisco State University, College of Creative Arts (4 yrs/2 yrs) Prof. Steve Wilson (swilson@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu); http://www.sfsu.edu/~artdept/
- Art Center College of Design, Pasadena (CA) (2 yrs masters)
- Prof. Ramone Munoz,(rmunoz@artcenter.edu); http://www.artcenter.edu/
- Indiana University, Department of Telecommunications (2 yrs masters) Thom Gillespie (thom@indiana.edu); http://www.indiana.edu/~slizzard/dmd/immersion.html
- I n d i a :
- Indian Institute of Technology, Industrial Design Centre, Bombay (2 yrs masters) Prof. Ravi Poovaiah (ravi@idc.iitb.ernet.in) http://www.iitb.ernet.in/~soy/iitb/
- J a p a n :
- Tama Art University, Tokyo (4 yrs bachelors) Prof. Takeshi Sunaga (nag02122@niftyserve.or.jp)
- H o n g K o n g :
- Hong kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Dept. of Indutrial Engg.(2 yrs
masters) Prof. Ravindra S. Goonetilleke- (ravindra@usthk.ust.hk);http://www-ieem.ust.hk/
- S o u t h K o r e a :
- Korean Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tec., Dept. of Industrial Design (4 yrs/ 2 yrs)
- Prof. Kyon Pyo Lee (kplee@sorak.kaist.ac.kr); http://caid4u.kaist.ac.kr/
- A u s t r a l i a :
- Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech., Dept. of Visual Communications (2 yrs masters) http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~rpyjp/CDmadept.html
- N e w Z e a l a n d :
- University of Otago, Dunedin. Information Science Department.
- Exhaustive list of European multimedia programs
- can be found at http://www.ina.fr/INA/Media/guide.en.html