HCI Resources: Links to HCI Education

I collected these a while back. There are probably lots of dead links in here...


ACM SIGCHI Curricula in Human-Computer Interaction
A report recommending various curriculum and courses in HCI. Excellent source.
HCI Education
This report, titled "New Directions in HCI Education, Research, and Practice" was commissioned by NSF and ARPA.
HCI Education Survey
This survey maintained by Gary Perlman, describes HCI faculty and courses at over 75 programs.
Educational Technology.
A page of many things related to education and technology.

HCI Courses

Prof. Paul E. Buis
Ball State University: CS 345 - Graphical User Interfaces

Prof. James M. Canning
Oklahoma University: CS 3053 - Graphical User Interfaces

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: 66-460 - Introduction to Graphical Human-Machine Interfaces
Prof. Bowden Wise

Profs. Terry Winograd, Bill Verplank
Stanford University: CS 247a - Human Computer Interaction Design Studio

Prof. Robert J. K. Jacob
Tufts University: COMP 106 - Object-Oriented Programming for Graphical User Interfaces

Prof. Ben Shneiderman
University of Maryland: CMSC 434 - Human Factors in Computer and Information Systems

Prof. Sarah Douglas
University of Oregon: CIS 443 - User Interfaces

Multimedia & Interaction Design Courses

S w e d e n :
University of Umea, Institute of Design, Umea (2 yrs masters)
Prof. Mike Stott (mike.stott@designum.umu.se); http://www.dh.umu.se/
D e n m a r k :
Roskilede University, Dept. of Communication, Roskilde (masters 1.5
yrs) Prof. Arne Thing Mortensen (sk@snow.ruc.dk);http://www.komm.ruc.dk
N o r w a y :
Høgskolen i Østfold, Dept. of Informatics, Halden (2 yrs bachelors) Prof. Børre Ludvigsen (it.info@hiof.no); http://www.hiof.no/hiof/avd/it_aut/
N e t h e r l a n d s :
Hogeschool for Kunst Utrecht, Fac. of Art and Media Tech., Hilversum, (4 yrs bach.) Jurriënne Ossewold (jurrienne.ossewold@kmt.hku.nl);http://www.hku.nl/www/KMT/ID/
Delft Univ. of Technology, Fac. of Industrial Design Engg., Delft, (5 yrs masters) Prof. Rudy den Buurman (r.denbuurman@io.tudelft.nl); http://www.io.tudelft.nl
G e r m a n y :
Fachhochschule Kvln, Fachbereich Design,Kvln (4 yrs)
Prof. Gui Bonsiepe(bonsiepe@ds.fh-koeln.de); http://www.ds.fh-koeln.de/
Berlin Art School, Dept. of Design (4 yrs bachelors) Prof. Burkhard Schmitz; http://www.hdk-berlin.de/
Hochschule fuer Gestaltung , Dept. Industrial Design, Offenbach(4 yrs, Diploma) Prof. Bernhard E. Buerdek (buerdek@em.uni-frankfurt.de); http://www.rz.uni-frankfurt.de:80/hfg/hfg.htm
F r a n c e :
Institut National de l’Audiovisuel, Bry-sur-marne (masters) Michel Notte; http://www.ina.fr/INA/Formation
A u s t r i a:
Fachhochschul Technoz, Salzburg (4 yrs bachelors) Peter A Bruck (info@mma.fh-sbg.ac.at)
Teknikum Voralberg, Dornbin (4 yrs bachelors) (info@fh-voralberg.ac.at)
S w i t z e r l a n d :
Basel School of Design, Basel Michael Renner (sfgbs@access.ch); http://www.unibas.ch/sfg/
S p a i n :
Institut Universitari de l’Audiovisual, Barcelona (1 yr masters) Xavier Berenguer (berenguer@iua.upf.es); http://www.iua.upf.es
P o r t u g a l :
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Dept. of Comm. Sciences, Lisbon (1 yr
masters) Carlos Correa (carloscorrea@mail.telepac.pt)
G r e e c e :
University of Athens, Dept. of Comm. & Mass Media (1 year) Michel Meimaris (mmeim@atlas.uoa.gr)
I t a l y :
Domus Academy, Milan ( 2 yrs masters) Marco Susani (susani@domac.it)
University of Siena, Communication Science Institute (5 years Laurea) Sebastiano Bagnara ( bagnara@unisi.it ); http://www.media.unisi.it/
I r e l a n d:
Dublin Institute of Technology, Digital Media Centre (1 yr masters) Charles Pritchard (jmnoey@dit.ie)
Middlesex University, Centre for Electronic Arts, Herts (1 year
masters) Stephen Boyd Davis,(s.boyd-davis@mdx.ac.uk); http://www.cea.mdx.ac.uk/
De Montfort University, Leicester, (1 year FT, 2-4 yrs PT) http://www.cms.dmu.ac.uk/General/general/HCS/msc-hcs.html
University of London, Queen Mary & Westfield College (1 yr masters) Prof. G. Coulouris ; http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/msc_info/HCI/HCI.html
Carnegie Mellon Univ., Design Dept., Pittsburgh (2 yrs masters)
Prof. Dan Boyarksi(dan+@cmu.edu); http://www.cmu.edu/cfa/design/
Carnegie Mellon Univ., Human Comp. Interaction Inst., Pittsburgh (1 yr masters) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~hcii
Ohio State Univ., Adv. Computing Center for Arts & Design, Columbus (2 yrs masters) http://www.cgrg.ohio-state.edu/ETS/
Columbus College of Art and Design, Media Studies Dept., (4 year
bachelors) http://www.ccad.edu/
Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design, Chicago (2 yrs
masters) John Cain; http://www.id.iit.edu/
Stanford University, Computer Science Dept., Stanford (2 yrs masters) Prof. Terry Winograd(winograd@cs.stanford.edu); http://www-pcd.stanford.edu/
MIT, Media Lab (2 yrs masters)
Georgia Inst. of Tech., School of Lit., Comm. and Culture, Atlanta (2
yrs masters) http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/idt/
San Francisco State University, College of Creative Arts (4 yrs/2 yrs) Prof. Steve Wilson (swilson@sfsuvax1.sfsu.edu); http://www.sfsu.edu/~artdept/
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena (CA) (2 yrs masters)
Prof. Ramone Munoz,(rmunoz@artcenter.edu); http://www.artcenter.edu/
Indiana University, Department of Telecommunications (2 yrs masters) Thom Gillespie (thom@indiana.edu); http://www.indiana.edu/~slizzard/dmd/immersion.html
I n d i a :
Indian Institute of Technology, Industrial Design Centre, Bombay (2 yrs masters) Prof. Ravi Poovaiah (ravi@idc.iitb.ernet.in) http://www.iitb.ernet.in/~soy/iitb/
J a p a n :
Tama Art University, Tokyo (4 yrs bachelors) Prof. Takeshi Sunaga (nag02122@niftyserve.or.jp)
H o n g K o n g :
Hong kong Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Dept. of Indutrial Engg.(2 yrs
masters) Prof. Ravindra S. Goonetilleke
S o u t h K o r e a :
Korean Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tec., Dept. of Industrial Design (4 yrs/ 2 yrs)
Prof. Kyon Pyo Lee (kplee@sorak.kaist.ac.kr); http://caid4u.kaist.ac.kr/
A u s t r a l i a :
Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech., Dept. of Visual Communications (2 yrs masters) http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~rpyjp/CDmadept.html
N e w Z e a l a n d :
University of Otago, Dunedin. Information Science Department.
Exhaustive list of European multimedia programs
can be found at http://www.ina.fr/INA/Media/guide.en.html