Participants & Assignments

This page lists some of the class participants and their assignments from last year.

Resources for assignments

Name Project Topic Resources
Ana Zanella Input devices to SDG
  1. reading USB mice directly 
  2. architecture that takes a source of input from devices and generates them into a programmer's API as events
  3. actual programmer's API plus example
  4. generalizing to other input devices eg a PDA

Note: this is probably too much to complete for a project: should aim for steps 1-3, leaving the hooks in for 4.

Survey and critique of Single Display Groupware
  • used as part of Research Proposal
Chester knows USB
James Tam Class architecture for change awareness and filtering
  • should produce a document (paper?) describing the architecture rationale (in the form of a thesis chapter) as well as a demo
Change Awareness 
  • resulting in survey chapter to be handed out to class
You know where to look
Michael Boyle Design of a C++ Notification server (with Shymmon giving tech support) Video Mediated Communication

[Note: two Mikes can merge presentations if it seems reasonable]

-thesis chapter a good byproduct

You know where to look
Michael Rounding Design of a C++ Notification server (with Shymmon giving tech support) Making contact

[Note: two Mikes can merge presentations if it seems reasonable]

-thesis chapter a good biproduct

I have a booklet of papers on making contact that is about two years old. Get it from me. the list is: Resource Readings in Media Spaces and Related Topics
Shaun Kaasten Social filtering / collaborative filtering/ recommender systems A good place to start is by looking for papers in the CSCW /CHI proceedings by Paul Resnick (also see CACM 40(3) ). DO a search on the hci biblio on the terms in the previous column
Chris Edwards Ethnographic study of public display boards in home settings (families and roommates)
  • products: ethics form (do we need this?), archive of study materials and results, paper summarizing findings (in CHI paper format)
CSCW evaluation techniques  with a concentration on Ethnographic methods. Get papers from Saul as a starting point. Also, look up Ethnographic Studies in the CSCW proceedings and CSCW journal as examples of case studies.
Mark Leonard Redesigning the notification collage as a data mountain.
  • products: a working demo that makes use of the media elements as they now work on the existing notification server.
Awareness on visual workspaces Will have to work with Sheelagh for underlying graphics stuff...

Carl Gutwin's thesis and many papers on are a good starting point. Chase any relevant references. Also look at the hci bibliography / CSCW proceedings.

