Foundational Methods in Computer Science Workshop
University of Calgary
June 21st - June 26th, 2022
Almost Final Schedule:University of Calgary
June 21st - June 26th, 2022
Tuesday June 21, 2022
5:00 pm | Meet at ICT, University of Calgary |
7:00 pm | Reception at Kananaskis Field Station |
8:00 pm | Safety briefing |
Wednesday June 22, 2022
8:00 am | Breakfast |
8:50 am | Introduction by Kristine Bauer and Robin Cockett |
9:00 am | (Tutorial) Geoff Cruttwell Algebraic geometry: a different path up the mountain, part 1 of 2 |
9:45 am | (Tutorial) Richard Blute TBA |
10:45 am | Break |
11:00 am | (Tutorial) Peter Selinger The combinatorial game theory of Hex, part 1 of 2 |
11:45 am | (Tutorial) Susan Niefield Locally Non-Posetal Linear Bicategories |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
5:45 pm | (Tutorial) Geoff Cruttwell Algebraic geometry: a different path up the mountain, part 2 of 2 |
6:30 pm | Supper |
7:30 pm | Rose Kudzman-Blais Constructing Linear Bicategories |
8:00 pm | Geoff Vooys Equivariant Tangent Categories on Varieties |
Thursday June 23, 2022
8:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | (Tutorial) Pawel Sobocinski Graphical Affine Algebra, part 1 of 2 |
9:45 am | (Tutorial) Jean-Simon Lemay Tangent Categories and Algebraic Geometry, part 1 of 2 |
10:30 am | (Tutorial) Chris Heunen Categories like Hilbert spaces, part 1 of 2 |
11:15 am | Break |
11:30 am | (Tutorial) Pawel Sobocinski Graphical Affine Algebra, part 1 of 2 |
12:15 am | (Tutorial) Jean-Simon Lemay Tangent Categories and Algebraic Geometry, part 2 of 2 |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
5:45 pm | (Tutorial) Peter Selinger The combinatorial game theory of Hex, part 2 of 2 |
6:30 pm | Supper |
7:30 pm | Amolak Ratan Categories of Kirchhoff Relations |
7:50 pm | Deni Salja Pseudo-Colimits of Diagrams of Internal Categories |
Friday June 24, 2022
8:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | (Tutorial) Chris Heunen Categories like Hilbert spaces, part 2 of 2 |
9:45 am | (Tutorial) Priyaa Srinivasan Dagger linear logic and categorical quantum mechanics, part 1 of 2 |
10:30 am | Rory Lucyshyn-Wright Diagrammatic presentations of enriched monads and theories for a subcategory of arities |
11:00 am | Break |
11:15 am | Cole Comfort Graphical Symplectic Algebra |
11:45 am | Dorette Pronk Double Fibrations |
10:30 am | Laura Scull The Fundamental Groupoid in the Category of Graphs |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
5:45 pm | (Tutorial) Jonathan Gallagher Introduction to differential programming, part 1 of 2 |
6:30 pm | Supper |
7:30 pm | Marcello Lanfranchi Operadic Tangent Categories |
7:50 am | Fahimeh Bayeh Category of Quantum Domains |
Saturday June 25, 2022
8:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | (Tutorial) Jonathan Gallagher Introduction to differential programming, part 2 of 2 |
9:45 am | (Tutorial) Priyaa Srinivasan Dagger linear logic and categorical quantum mechanics, part 2 of 2 |
10:30 am | Samuel Desrochers What recursive functions can be constructed in certain categorical settings? |
10:55 am | Mario Román Monoidal Streams |
11:15 am | Break |
11:40 am | Sacha Ikonicoff Cartesian Differential Monads |
12:00 pm | Rachel Hardeman Morrill Universal Covers in A-Homotopy Theory |
12:20 pm | Frank Fu A biset-enriched categorical model for Proto-Quipper with dynamic lifting |
12:40 pm | Chad Nester Cornering Optics |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
6:10 pm | Xiaoning Bian Generators and relations for 2-qubit Clifford+T operators |
6:30 pm | Supper |
7:30 pm | Nathan Haydon Peirce’s 1883 presentation of relations, linear distributivity, and its corresponding graphical calculus |
7:50 pm | Florian Schwarz Tangent infinity categories and why they are important |
Sunday June 26, 2022
8:00 am | Breakfast |
9:00 am | Brenda Johnson TBA |
9:30 am | Martin Frankland Modules over bialgebroids and Beck modules |
10:00 am | Amelie Comtois Constructing the Tensor Product in the Category of Sup-Lattices |
10:20 am | Shayester Naeimabadi Constructing cartesian linear bicategories |
10:40 am | Elena Di Lavore Monoidal Width |
11:00 am | Break and packing |
12:00 pm | Thomas Vandeven Monoidal topology on linear bicategories |
12:20 pm | Jean-Babtiste Vienney Graded codifferential categories and some cousins |
12:40 pm | Alexanna Little Linear Logic and Circuit Diagrams? |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
afterwards | Leaving the field station |