CPSC 231 - Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors I (Fall 2024)
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science,
University of Calgary.
- Instructor Section 01 (MWF 11am online): Professor James Tam
- Instructor Section 02 (MWF 11am in-person): Professor Christian Jacob
- Instructor Section 03 (MWF 2pm in-person): Professor Mea Wang
- Course Coordinator: Professor Richard Zhao
- Head Teaching Assistant: Farhan Aslam
- Teaching Assistants: Ben Pearman, Wamika Jha, Tharushi Samarajeewa, Brody Wells, Ahmad Ramezanpour, Ahmad Al Asad, Saad Zafar Khan, Kyle Jorgensen, Phuong Thao Nguyen.
Course outline: Here.
Textbook: Ben Stephenson, The Python Workbook, 2nd Edition: Springer.
Software and system:
Useful Links:
Past version of this course: Fall 2023.