CPSC 217 - Introduction to Computer Science for Multidisciplinary Studies I (Fall 2024)
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science,
University of Calgary.
- Instructor Section 01 (MWF 10am in-person): Dr. Helen He
- Instructor Section 02 (MWF 1pm in-person): Dr. Helen He
- Instructor Section 03 (MWF 3pm in-person): Dr. Emma Towlson
- Course Coordinator: Dr. Richard Zhao
- Head Teaching Assistant: Naman Bhoj
- Teaching Assistants: Yomna ElGhazouly, Swaminathan Ramesh, Aref Motamedi, Raphael Aubut, Mahmudul Haque, Safeena Meghji, Tyler Klein-Longmire, Sina Ziaee, Naznin Shishir.
Course outline: Here.
Ben Stephenson, The Python Workbook, 2nd Edition: Springe.
Cay S. Horstmann, Rance D. Necaise, Python For Everyone, 3rd Edition: Wiley.
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