Week |
Topic |
Notes |
Event |
September 8 |
Introduction to cryptography and cryptanalysis, symmetric key
crytposystems, substitution ciphers. |
Topic 1 notes |
September 15 |
Information theory, perfect security and the one-time pad,
entropy |
Topic 2 notes |
September 22 |
Block ciphers, 3DES, AES, modes of operation |
Topic 3 notes |
September 29 |
One-way functions, Euler phi-function, primitive roots, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, binary exponentiation. |
Topic 4 notes |
October 6 |
Public-key cryptography: trapdoor one-way functions, linear congruences, RSA |
Topic 5 notes |
Assignment 1 due, October 10 (in class) |
October 13 (no class Monday) |
Randomized encryption (El Gamal), semantic security |
Topic 6 notes |
October 20 |
Quadratic residuosity, Goldwasser-Micali, indistinguishability (RSA-OAEP) |
Topic 7 notes |
October 27 |
Data integrity (hash functions and message authentication
codes), digital signatures (DSA and El Gamal) |
Topic 8 notes |
Assignment 2 due, October 31 (in class) |
November 3 |
Elliptic curves, elliptic curve key agreement (ECMQV). |
Topic 9 notes |
Project proposal due, November 7 (in class) |
November 10 (no class Monday) |
Key management: pseudorandom number generation, public-key
infrastructures. |
Topic 10 notes |
November 17 |
Email security (PGP), secure shell (ssh). |
Topic 11 notes |
Assignment 3 due, November 21 (in class) |
November 24 |
Student presentations. |
December 1 |
Student presentations. |
Project due, December 5 (midnight) |