Detailed manuals for the Rep Plus and WebGrid tools, and related books and research papers, are available through the Documents link above.
There are also two mailing lists, a web portal and an open-access journal that support communities having research interests in personal construct psychology and associated research methods and tools.
PCP Mailing List
This is the general mailing list for those involved in research in Personal Construct Psychology. It is an excellent forum for those new to PCP research to ask questions about research techniques and methods.
The list is operated by JiscMail in the UK which supports academic communities through mailing list services. It can be joined, and its archives may be accessed, through:
PCP Tools Mailing List
This is mutual support list for those using Personal Personal Construct Psychology conceptual modelling tools such as those provided through WebGrid. It is an excellent forum for questions about the operation and use of any PCP tool.
The list is also operated by JiscMail and can be joined, and its archives may be accessed, through:
Kelly Society Portal
The Kelly Society Portal is a website managed by Jörn Scheer which tracks PCP news and provides links to a very wide range of other PCP sites, literature, tools, conferences and so on.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice
Jörn Scheer and Viv Burr edit an open-access journal, Personal Construct Theory & Practice that carries articles on PCP research methods and tools.