Rep Plus is available in three versions, one of which runs under Microsoft Windows and the other two under Apple OS X, for the x86 and ARM processors, respectively. The Rep Plus data files have the same format on both platforms and are interchangeable. The user interface for both is as similar as possible so that someone familar with Rep Plus on one platform should be able to use it on the other without difficulty.
The curent version of both operating systems are (rightly) very defensive in installing new software. The OS X versions are notarized by Apple, and the Windows version is code signed by the University of Victoria. You will just need to confirm that you wish to install them.
Intalling under Windows
The installation file for Windows can be downloaded by clicking RepPlus2.0setup.exe. When run it takes you through a normal Windows installation dialogue that offers options such as installing desktop and quicklaunch icons. The Rep Plus V2.0 application and support files will be installed in the Windows Applications directory and the Rep Plus V2.0 Release Notes file and Rep Plus V2.0 Examples directory in your Documents/MyDocuments directory.
Microsoft Edge may still ask you if you want to save the file even though it is signed. This should be a temporary issue and does not occur with Google Chrome.
Intalling under OS X
The installation file for OS X can be downloaded by clicking or The folder downloaded contains the application, the release notes and an examples folder. It may be copied to your Applications folder, or the Rep Plus V2.0 application may be copied to your Applications folder and the other material can be copied to your Documents folder, or any other suitable location.
Files created when Rep Plus is first run
Rep Plus looks for scripts and default files firstly in the Rep Plus folder/directory in the Documents/MyDocuments folder/directory, and secondly in the Rep Plus folder/directory in the Applications folder/directory. The former is intended for user-created scripts and default files, and when Rep Plus is run it checks whether a Rep Plus folder/directory exists and, if not, creates one that has within it empty DocScripts, GridScripts, GridsScripts, NetScripts, ServerScripts, ServerData, ServerDocs, and ServerLogs folders/directories.
Grids, nets and scripts that a user installs in these directories are automatically accessed by Rep Plus applications. If one with the same name and type as a file in the folder/directory with the same name in the Rep Plus application folder/directory it shadows it. This enables users to override the supplied default grids, nets and scripts without having to edit them so that the originals remain available if needed.