Readings on the Analysis of Algorithms

Readings on the Analysis of Algorithms

This set of notes is provided for students moving into the computer science program after having completed the data structures course CPSC 319 instead of CPSC 331. They can also be used by students in senior courses in theoretical computer science who wish to review material about establishing the correctness and efficiency of algorithms.

Reading #1: Review of Proofs and Mathematical Induction

Reading #2: Proving the Correctness of a Simple Recursive Algorithm

Reading #3: Proving the Partial Correctness of a Simple Algorithm with a Loop

Reading #4: Proving Termination and Analyzing the Running Time of a Simple Algorithm with a While Loop

Reading #5: Analyzing the Running Time of a Simple Recursive Algorithm

Reading #6: Asymptotic Notation and Standard Functions

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Reading #1 Reading #2 Reading #3 Reading #4 Reading #5 Reading #6