Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica

by Christian Jacob

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001


What are Mathematica and MathReader?

Mathematica is the programming and calculation tool used to create and provide functionality to the files contained in these chapters.

"From simple calculator operations to large-scale programming and interactive document preparation, Mathematica is the tool of choice at the frontiers of scientific research, in engineering analysis and modeling, in technical education from high school to graduate school, and wherever quantitative methods are used." (From Wolfram Research).

For more information on Mathematica, please visit the Wolfram Research website.

MathReader is a free "read-only" version of Mathematica that allows the public to view (but not manipulate) Mathematica files.

Download MathReader for FREE.

"MathReader is a viewer for notebook documents created with Mathematica, the world's only fully integrated technical computing system. MathReader lets you display and print Mathematica notebooks, animate graphics, play sounds, and copy information from notebooks to other documents. MathReader can be used by most web browsers as a helper application for viewing notebook documents.
To create, edit, and print notebooks, you need the Mathematica front end. To do computations within a Mathematica notebook, you need the full Mathematica system with both the front end and the kernel. " (From Wolfram Research).

For more information on MathReader and Mathematica, please visit the Wolfram Research website .




Website created by Julie Stromer, 2002

If you have any comments, suggestions, or problems concerning this website or the Evolvica notebooks, please send an email to Christian Jacob.