My Trip to france
I left for England on Christmas day, I slept for most of the plane ride, so it wasn't that boring. When we got to England, we headed off to find a car rental shop. We took a minibus to get there, and could barely fit all the luggage in it. Of coarse that was because it was more van sized than bus sized. When we arrived at the car rental shop, the lady at the desk said that there was nothing bigger than a car that we could use, unless we had one reserved. when she saw two verry tired looking children, sitting on heaps of luggage, and she decided to talk to the manager. Luckily there was one available, and dad was in heaven when he drove a fancy Mercades van around the parking lot. Once that was done, we took the fancy new car on our first long car ride of the trip, to South Lopem to stay with my Aunt Elaine, Uncle Kingsley, and my cousins Luke and Rosie. We were overjoyed to find their house, gardens, and general surroundings looking even more beautiful than I remembered it.Their pond was looking great, even in the winter, and they were also helping their next door neighbor develop an even bigger one in his back yard. The house, which must have been at least 100 years old in someplaces, had had many changes for the better in the last few years. I went strait to the person who would become my best freind in the next week. The Computer, after all, computers are people too you know. We spent many jetlagged, but enjoyable nights there. We spent a few of ou days there shopping in the pretty little town and walking through the woods in which we stumbled upon a few horses. About half way through our stay, we had a little family reunion, and ate a deliciouse second christmas dinner. Attending this dinner was my aunt Barbra and uncle Richard, my cousin Tom, my cousin Mitch and many other realitives. They all cleared out quickley the next day. and the house was quiet again. New Years Eve was our last night there, and I spent it with the next door nieghbors, and the adults, while Charlotte, Rosie and Luke had another party next door. We said our goodbyes the next morning and were on our way. We went to spend one night in London at my aunt Barbra and uncle Richards house, (although unfortunately they couldn't be there to spend it with us), and another with and old friend of my dads on the outskirts of London. My aunt and uncles house is where my dad and his whole famisy used to live when he was really little. We went and saw another house he lived in in London after they had moved out of that house. He and his sibblings all moved far away, except for Barbra, who moved back into the old house. After those two nights, we were all ready to go to France. We took the train after dropping off the rented van. It was a reasonably long ride to France, but it would have taken much longer by car. We spent the first day of our journey at my dads friends house, who took us out to a restaurant that evening. Her name was Marry Paul, and she had three children who we didn't meet until the following day. The restaurant was gorgeuse, and the food was deliciouse. We had a large meal, but still had a bit of room for desert. My dads girlfriend Dianne ordered a chocolate moose, hoping it wasn't going to be too rich, because she was pretty full. When the waitor arrived whith a bowl of chocolate moose about three times the size of my head, ( and my head is pretty big), Dianne was at a loss for words. We all helped her out, but when the chocolate moose was taken away you could barely see a mark. We went home feeling bad for weeks that we had let the chocolate be wasted like that. The next day we moved into our new apartment, which was big and bare, but we settled in quickly, and were at school whithin a week. We all worked together to make the apartment look nice, and pretty soon it was a reasonably livable place. I had many friends after the second day of school. After the first week of school I was in maths, with Mme. Aenoe and French for most of the day with Anne-Murey. For the first week I din't have to do maths because I needed to catch up with the French so that was all I did, except for going skiing on mondays, and gym on Thursdays. On my first day of downhill skiing I put on cross country boots, thinking I was going with a different class. That week was mainly just a review of what I had done in Canada, but it still helped. I ate 10$ lunches in the cafeteria ( which was payed according to the parents' saleries, and we had to pay the maximum), because it took two busses and a tram to get home, and we wern't allowed to bring our own lunches. On the first weekend me and my dad went climbing, but it was really cold so I didn't do verry well on the rock. Time flashed by. I was learning loads of French and I was doing a lot of skiing. As I was searning to ski, my beautiful sister was learning to snow board. On her first day ( which was only one or two hours ) she was pittiful. But on her second day she was brilliant, and learning a lot faster than I did. (She wrote that last comment!) I later found out, that we were going to have a long holiday celebrating Mardigra, and we were going to get the last two days of February off, and I was verry excited when the time finally came. My aunt Barbra and uncle Richard came to visit us. We took them up a mountain, and they were immidiately admiring the snow. Supprisingly, I was the least prepare. With no boots, wet shoes, and gloves on my feet, I looked rediculous. On the second day of their stay, we climbed up the Bastille, wich is a large, old castle in walking distance of the house, and had many violent snowball fights. Unfortunately they could only stay one weekend because of work, and had to go home right away. My dad and Dianne had a French class during the week, so we could only go places during the week. When the weekend came, we went away to Apt, which has some of the best sport climbing in the world. We stayed the night in a carravan that we rented from a really nice lady named Lucett. My dad goes annually to Apt to climb, and always stays in one of her caravans, so she knows him, and is really nice. On the first day we climbed two climbs, and five on the second day. I made it up the last climb, but my sister didn't. When I was on the last climb I heard my dad getting mad because there was a climber being clumsy next to us and throwing rocks down towards us. When a couple of goats came scrambling around the courner, we discovered that they were the ones throwing the rocks. They climbed all over my sister begging for food. One had a bell around it's neck, and the other had a small colar, so we gussed they belonged to a farmer nearby. When I finished the climb I saw them meet up with another goat just a little way down the hill from us. We went after it, and it was happy to have some extra attention. I was sad to leave, my spirits brightened when I heard that we were going again next weekend. During the next week I went to my friend Sams house twice bfore leaving for Apt again on Saturday morning.
-- Simon Wyvill
8, Blvd. Merechal Lyautey
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