Looking for...
What people are saying about John
"He's sure taking his bloody time to graduate."
-- John's wife
"The man has a mind like a teal strap."
-- the drunk by the 7-11
"He's insulting on so many levels that it's hard to know
where to begin condemning him."
-- John's best friend
"Stop making up quotes. I never said that."
-- John's wife again
It turns out that the English language isn't sufficiently rich
to describe my life, so I've added a few helpful words and
Involuntary Tourism.
Something you don't want to hear while flying at 30,000 feet:
"We're having some problems with the tail engine."
Involuntary tourism is what happens when your plane gets diverted
to a different city and/or country than you were supposed to go to.
Card Key Shuffle.
Some labs in UVic's Engineering Lab Wing are accessed via
electronic card keys, which you wave past a sensor that's
beside the door.
The Card Key Shuffle is a curious dance performed by people
trying to get the sensor to detect their key card without
actually taking it out of their backpack, hip pouch, wallet, &c.
It is characterized by pelvic thrusting, backpack lobbing, and
other contortions which suggest that the dancer is trying to
become intimate with the door frame.
What happens during an installation of Windows, especially
when you've upgraded some hardware and Windows is trying in
vain to figure out what's going on.
Bathroom Safari.
The quest to find an unoccupied washroom stall in UVic's
Engineering Lab Wing. On a bad day, this requires covering
most of the distance of three floors, often ending up in a
different building entirely.
Academic Strip-Mining.
When a single good idea is drawn out over a vast series of
publications. I may be doing this myself one day, so I
decline to commit to this being a good or a bad thing :-)
My research topic is:
Verifiable Object-oriented Mathematical
Inference Technique for
Reverse-Engineered, Portable, Elegant
Approaches To Equation-based Distributive
Layered Y-combinators
My only regret is that the acronym needs some work.
(Just kidding. I'm doing compiler research.)
- J. Aycock, N. Horspool, J. Janousek, and B. Melichar.
Even Faster Generalized LR Parsing. Acta Informatica,
to appear.
- J. Aycock and N. Horspool. Schrödinger's Token.
Software -- Practice & Experience 31, 8 (2001),
pp. 803-814.
- J. Aycock and N. Horspool. Directly-Executable Earley Parsing.
CC 2001 -- 10th International Conference on Compiler
Construction (LNCS 2027), Springer-Verlag, 2001, pp. 229-243.
- J. Aycock and N. Horspool. Simple Generation of Static
Single-Assignment Form. CC 2000 -- 9th International
Conference on Compiler Construction (LNCS 1781),
Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp. 110-124.
- R. N. Horspool and J. Aycock. Analysis of Equation Structure
Using Least Cost Parsing. IWPT 2000 (6th International
Workshop on Parsing Technologies), poster, pp. 307-308.
- J. Aycock. Aggressive Type Inference. Proceedings
of the 8th International Python Conference, 2000,
pp. 11-20.
- J. Aycock and M. Levy.
Architecture for Easy Web Page Updating.
ACM Crossroads 6.2 (Winter 1999), pp. 15-18.
- J. Aycock and N. Horspool. Faster Generalized LR Parsing. CC
'99 -- 8th International Conference on Compiler
Construction (LNCS 1575), Springer-Verlag, 1999,
pp. 32-46.
- J. Aycock. Compiling Little Languages in Python. Proceedings
of the 7th International Python Conference, 1998, pp. 69-77.
- J. Aycock. Converting Python Virtual Machine Code to C. Proceedings
of the 7th International Python Conference, 1998, pp. 43-50.
And from prehistory..
Subliminal message
What I do
My wife's description of what I do at work... she seems to have captured
the high points.
while (1)
research (something not related to thesis)
write paper
goto conference/workshop
avoid thesis