Address: |
Room 436, Mathematical Sciences Building Department of Mathematics & Statistics University of Calgary 2500 University Drive NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 |
Phone: | (403) 220-6628 |
Fax: | (403) 282-5150 |
E-Mail: | |
Web: | |
Research Interests
Number Theory
Number Theoretic Cryptology
My research centres on algorithms and computations in global fields - algebraic number fields and algebraic function fields over finite fields - in the context of algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry and cryptography.
TeachingWinter 2024: | CPSC 251 Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science I |
CPSC 418 Introduction to Cryptography | |
MATH 318 Introduction to Cryptography | Fall 2024: | MATH 327 Number Theory | 2025: | Research & Scholarship Leave |
Our Team | - Calgary Number Theory Research Group |
ISPIA | - Institute for Security, Privacy and Information Assurance |
IQST | - Institute for Quantum Science and Technology |
SPIE | - Calgary Security Professionals Information Exchange |
TIMC | - Tutte Institute for Mathematics and Computing |
NTF | - Number Theory Foundation |
IMU-WiM | - International Mathematical Union - Women in Mathematics |
AWM | - Association for Women in Mathematics |
WIN | - Women in Number Theory |
Last modified
by Renate Scheidler