#Jonathan Hudson #Student Number 12347890 #Date: 2021-05-03 #Lecture Practice # Jonathan Hudson # Sort a list of values using insertion sort def swap(values, i, j): temp = values[i] values[i] = values[j] values[j] = temp def swap2(values, i, j): values[i], values[j] = values[j], values[i] # Perform insertion sort on list of numerical values (smallest to largest) # Parameters # values: a list of numerical values to insertion sort # Returns # nothing is returned # values contains same items but is ordered in increasing numerical value def insertionSort(values): # A list consisting of only value at index = 0 is a sorted list of length 1 # We will start at index 1 and loop to end of list # we will move the item at each index into a sorted position i = 1 while i < len(values): #Start while loop at newest item index j = i #Loop down until item is at front of list or item is in sorted position while j > 0 and values[j-1] > values[j]: #Move item that is greater than value towards end of list swap(values, j, j-1) #Change index to next item towards front of list j -= 1 #Move to the next unsorted index of list i += 1 # List of values values = [1, 3, 7, 5, 9, 2, 6, 8, 4, 0] print(values) insertionSort(values) print(values)