#Jonathan Hudson #Student Number 12347890 #Date: 2021-04-30 #Lecture Practice # Convert a value entered by the user from kPa to three other units of # pressure. KPA_TO_ATM = 1 / 101.325 ATM_TO_PSI = 14.6959 ATM_TO_MMHG = 760 # Read the input value from the user in kPa. print("Enter a value in kPa") kPa = float(input()) # Convert from kPa to three other units of pressure. atm = kPa * KPA_TO_ATM psi = atm * ATM_TO_PSI mmHg = atm * ATM_TO_MMHG # Display the results of the conversions. print("That's equal to", atm, "atmospheres") print("That's equal to", psi, "pounds per square inch") print("That's equal to", mmHg, "mmHg")